The NEW Bardots - Put A Little Love In Your Heart

Click: About The Single - This fast-paced Ramone esk remake is a get-up and shake-it version of the classic Jackie Deshannon’s “Put A Little Love In Your Heart”.

“With everything that’s going on in the world today and all the hate in the world and on both sides of the political isle we thought this song was a perfect catalyst to not only send a message of “LOVE” but just an overall fun, rip roaring rock and roll version to forget all your troubles and bounce to!” - Wayne O (Lead Singer The NEW Bardots)

Some History of The Song

"Put a Little Love in Your Heart" is a song originally performed in 1968 and released in 1969 by Jackie DeShannon, who composed it with her brother, Randy Myers, and Jimmy Holiday.

In the USA, it was DeShannon's highest-charting hit, reaching #4 on the Hot 100 and #2 on the Adult Contemporary charts.

In late 1969, the song reached number one on South Africa's hit parade. The song rivaled the success of her signature song, "What the World Needs Now is Love".

Live Video shot by Rich Hall Focuspro inc. at Wonder Bar Asbury Park N.J.

Special Thanks to:Debbie from Wonder Bar and  Kyle Brendel for Booking.

Video concept Nick Koontz Jr./Wayne Olivieri

Executive Producers Johnnie Rago,John Croot, Wayne Olivieri

Audio /Video performances:

Guitar: Gar Francis

Bass: Dan Skye

Keyboard: John Croot Jr.

Drums: Johnny (JR) Rago

Vocals: Wayne Olivieri

Road Manager:Bozak (AKA Gary O)

Edited and special effects Enhancement/titles: Nichlas Kuntz..Invision Post Concepts.

Road Manager: Bozak (AKA Gary Olivieri)

Audio Recorded at Sky Lab Studios Roosevelt NJ

Recorded by Dan Sky

Produced/Mixed by DanSkye

Assistant Producers Gar Francis /Wayne Olivieri

The NEW Bardots on Bongo Boy Records

PR: E-Grapes Promotions Italy

E-Grapes  Milano - Italy

Social Media:

facebook: The NEW Bardots


Twitter: @wethenewbardots


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